Hello Trinity Friends,
Please join us this second Sunday in Lent for worship at 10:30 am. This Sunday’s Blues musicians are Chris Mogan and Hannah McCallum. There will be a live quartet from the choir singing as well. Thank you to Angie Nussey, last week’s Blues musician, for her excellent and moving piece last week.
A reminder that this Saturday night our clocks “spring” forward for Daylight Saving Time. Be sure to set your clock an hour ahead before you go to bed Saturday night! If you forget, you will be late for church – but don’t fret – you can always catch us on YouTube 😉
Our worship service will continue to be livestreamed and available for viewing anytime on our YouTube Channel Trinity’s Channel
Now that we have returned to in person worship we are back to preparing bulletins. For those of you who are joining us from home, a bulletin is attached below for your convenience! If you’d like to sing along with the hymns, and would like to purchase (or rent) a hymn book, please be in touch with us. We will make that happen!
Family News I am sorry to share the news of the death of Helen Whitehead a beloved member of our church family and choir. Please join me in offering sympathies and prayers to Matt, Sue, Julia, Andrew and family. Funeral details are pending but will likely be on Saturday March 19th at 11 am .
Thelma (Skip) Patterson’s funeral takes place this Saturday March 12th from 11:00 am – 11:30 am in the Martyn Funeral Home Chapel. The service will be livestreamed to Martyn Funeral Home’s facebook page as well.
Ukraine Crisis
The United Church of Canada is receiving funds that will be directed to humanitarian assistance in Ukraine through its ecumenical partner, ACT Alliance, which is responding to the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation. ACT members are scaling up their presence inside Ukraine and in neighbouring countries to aid those impacted by the current armed hostilities. You may donate to the Conflict in Ukraine appeal through The United Church of Canada or by cash/cheque to Trinity United Church – please clearly mark “Ukraine Appeal” on your envelope or cheque.
Trinity’s Food Shelf is in need of some re-useable shopping bags or plastic shopping bags. If you have any to spare we would be happy to have them. Please only send grocery style plastic or re-useable bags as the other types don’t work as well for packing food. Thank-you!
The UCW (United Church Women) will meet on Monday March 17th at 1 pm. All women of the church are welcome to attend.
Now that gatherings are allowed again at Trinity, you are urged to take a good look at our extensive library in the newly renovated Fireside Room. There are books to suit everyone’s needs – a good fiction section, biography, history and geography, as well as spiritual guidance, devotional studies and grief.
Children’s books include general reading, as well as Bible stories, picture books, and loss or grief. Books for children are found by the fireplace along with parenting books.
Please note – it is not necessary to sign out books. TAKE what interests you, READ and RETURN. Thank you!