A.O.T.S. (As One That Serves)
AOTS is a Men’s Service Club that is affiliated with the United Church of Canada.
AOTS aims to promote fellowship, deepen the spiritual life of men, and develop an effective program of Christian service.
AOTS stand for “As ONE That Serves” which is taken from the statement by Christ “I am among you as ONE that serves” (Luke 22:27)
One of the aims of the North Bay AOTS is to provide encouragement and assistance to work among the youth of the church and community.
Although the goals of the AOTS are taken seriously, the members enjoy the camaraderie of sharing, supporting and serving together.
The Trinity AOTS meet for breakfast at Burger World (1405 Hammond St.) on the first Saturday of each month at 8 AM.
After breakfast at about 9 AM the men attend the Fireside Room at TrinityUnitedChurch for fellowship, worship and a business meeting.
Most of the meetings will begin with a guest speaker. The topics vary from month to month, are informative and educational in nature.
Some of our regular activities include fundraising through gift cards and the annual Easter Ham sale. Please speak to a member for details.
We hope that all men consider joining the Trinity AOTS and having an active part in service to your community.