Mustard Seed Theatre Group

Mustard Seed Theatre sprang from the idea that important things can grow from tiny actions.  In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus compares the tiny seed to the Kingdom of Heaven, revealing that the smallest of seeds sprout into a great plant that provides shelter for living creatures (Mark 4:31-32).  Mustard Seed was created in 2007 to provide opportunities for youth to build community around a common love of theatre.

We welcome actors, singers, dancers, stage hands, musicians, and those interested in lighting, sound, props or costumes to join our troupe anytime.  We typically produce one or two productions a year!  For more information find us and like us on Facebook!  or speak with Lisa Blais (705)474-3310 or email

Past Productions

2008                                                                       Godspell

2009                                                                       Creation

2010                                                                       Cotton Patch Gospel

2011                                                                       Garden Varieties and Free to Be

2013                                                                       Once Upon a Parable

2014                                                                       Ultimate Superstar

2015                                                                       Dream On

2016                                                                       The Sailor’s Bible

2017                                                                       Godspell

2017                                                                       Malice in the Palace

2018                                                                       Free to Be…You and Me

2019                                                                       Cotton Patch Gospel

2019 (spring)                                                         Not Your Average Joe

2020                                                                      Mustard Seed Virtual Reunion

2023                                                                      A Not so Terrible Parable

2024                                                                       Jonah’s Druthers