Wanda Gleason, Church Administrator
Who is Wanda?
Our Chief Church Administrator, Wanda grew up on Canada’s east coast, and still brings a down-home warmth to all her interactions. You’ll find Wanda at Trinity most weekday mornings, but otherwise you never know when and where you’ll find her connecting with people in and beyond our congregation. Wanda is deeply proud of her children and grandchildren.
What does Wanda do?
Wanda is perhaps Trinity’s most prominent ambassador! She’s often peoples’ first contact at Trinity, answering the phone and often acting as a Sunday-morning greeter. Wanda coordinates our busy church office, schedules building use, and prepares the bulletin for every Sunday. If you want to know any who, what or wheres about Trinity—Wanda’s your best place to start!
Wanda on Trinity:
“I love this church. I love the building, I love the traditions, I love the activities and the food. But more than anything else, I love the people! Nowhere will you find a more caring and engaged church family than right here at Trinity! Drop in and say, ‘Hi.’”
Contact Wanda: trinitynorthbay@gmail.com