Do You Have The Testosterone?
In 2010, a number of men in the Trinity community initiated a new Trinity tradition, affectionately titled the “Trinity Testosterone” Men’s Canoe Trip. So far, the trip has taken place on a weekend in late June (before people disappear in every direction for summer holidays!). Months in advance, we begin to dream about our route and our menu—arranging canoes, tents, and camping and fishing gear.
In recent years, between 12 and 16 men have disappeared into the Temagami wilderness to enjoy good food, much laughter, and the beauty of creation.
This trip is open to all men who are friends of Trinity—as long as you’re between 19 and 119 years of age! All stripes are welcome, from experienced outdoorsmen to raw recruits—but numbers are limited(because you can only fit so many tents on a site).
If you’re interested in this event, a sign-up sheet appears in the Trinity fellowship hall sometime around Easter. If you can contribute any of the necessary gear, let us know what you’ve got. The tradition is supported by several people who don’t necessarily attend, but want to encourage the spirit of wilderness adventure. In May, we begin meet and co-ordinate meals, canoes, maps, and other logistics.
If you have any further questions or suggestions for the next “Trinity Testosterone” event, contact organizers through Reverend Ted.
Here’s some suggestions for your Trinity Testosterone Camping Checklist:
Canoe, life jackets, paddles, a noisemaker, a floating throw-rope, a flashlight, a tent, a tarp, sleeping bag, eating utensils, plate, mug, change of clothes, sweater, hat, rain gear, swim trunks, toiletry items, bug dope, sun lotion, bug jacket, fishing rod, WS*, fun-in-the-sun toys, musical instruments, and monetary donation for the cost of food. (Please note that we haven’t had any problems yet in digging up the necessary canoes, equipment, funds, or paddle partners for underequipped guys who crave the Testosterone adventure!)