Hello Trinity Friends!
This Saturday the Hope2Kenya team is holding a Pasta Dinner at Trinity. Pasta is served from 5 pm to 6:30 pm $10 per person ($5 children). Why not come for some delicious pasta and stay for the Nunsense show at 7:30? What a heavenly combination!
Join us for worship this Sunday – Ascension Sunday and also Mother’s Day. The Junior Choir will be offering a song during worship. Following our service join us for a free will offering lunch, sponsored by the Joyful Bells! All proceeds will go towards the new seat pew cushions – or the cushy tushie fund as we like to call it!
MAY 6TH – MAY 27TH 2018.
We are pleased to be offering some of the same popular talents and services as previous years and some new ones. This year,
we have a few group activities being offered at a affordable flat rate. These will be on a first come, first served basis with a
limited number of opening. We still need a few more talents or services. Remember no talent or service is too small. Some of the 4 Trinity Fundraising team members will be downstairs to help you with the bidding sheets or answer any questions.
All money raised goes directly to Trinity for day to day expenses. Thank you from the 4 Trinity Fundraising Team.
A reminder that we have initiated a fundraiser to help pay for the upcoming brick work. There are “brick” envelopes in the Narthex with different amounts on them. Please take an envelope or two and fill it with whatever you are able! Thanks for your support!
The UCW will gather in the Fireside Room on Tuesday, May 15th at 1:00 pm. The programme is Acts of Kindness. All ladies are welcome. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN DATE.
Thank you so much for all your generous donations. There have been requests for personal care items such as toothbrushes (adult and childrens), toothpaste, floss. So if you can pick up a few of these items, we can continue to make little differences in a BIG WAY!
Trinity and St. Andrew’s United Churches are seeking a student applicant for an 8 week summer employment position. The student applicant will provide assistance and leadership for a variety of activities and outreach opportunities occurring over the summer. Training and leadership will be provided throughout the course of the job. As a part of the Canada
Summer Jobs Program this position is only open to a full time student who intends to return to full time studies in the fall.
Rate: $14.00 per hour
Time: 30 hours/week for 8 weeks between July 3 – August 28
Application deadline: May 21, 2018
Please submit application or direct questions to Lisa Blais at blais.trinity@gmail.com