Hello Trinity Friends!
Happy first day of March…spring IS on the horizon.
A reminder that this Saturday March 2nd, from 5 to 7 pm is the Camp Caritou Pasta Supper. Come on out for some delicious pasta!$10 Adults, $5 Children (12 and under)
This Sunday (Transfiguration Sunday) during worship, we will celebrate our new Board. There will be an Installation service of current and new Board members, as well as our new Board Chair, John Roberts. We will also honour our new Honourary Elders, Ross and Noreen Brewer! The Joyful Bells will share their musical gifts during our worship service as well. Please plan to attend this celebration!
An update about the Lift – it is now working! This is great news. In other building related news however, there is an area in the Sanctuary that has damage due to water. Please be aware that we have closed the exit door (beside the pulpit) until the work is completed. Please DO NOT enter or exit the Sanctuary from this door! Parents/Caregivers, please let your children know as that is the door we typically use when we go to Sunday School!
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is on Tuesday March 5th at 5 pm to 6:30 pm. The AOTS will prepare pancakes, sausages and refreshments as a fundraiser towards their work with Youth in our church and our wider community. $10 Adults, $5 (under 12) and $25 family. All are welcome!
The first Sunday in Lent is March 10th. Join us for our Lenten Communion service at 10:30 am.
See you Sunday!