Hello Trinity Friends,
This Sunday during worship we will celebrate and install our new Board Members for this term. In Sunday School, the children will begin a new unit on Caring for Creation.
Thank-you to those of you who purchased hams from the AOTS, Hot Cross Buns and Scones from 4Trinity Fundraising Team, Easter Lillies and for your donations to the Lenten Food Shelf Offering . Your purchases and donations help to support the many meaningful ministries here at Trinity!
Some Upcoming Special Events
* The UCW will meet on Monday April 9th at 1 pm. The guest speaker is Cindy Brownlee, who will talk about Camp Caritou. All women are welcome for tea, goodies and friendship.
* Trinity’s favourite band “The Hosts” are having a Spring Wing Ding Concert at the Moose on Main Street. Friday April 20th from 6 – 10 pm. Tickets are nearly sold out! Get your tickets now from a band member or from the Church Office. $10 each ($5 children 12 and UNDER)
* The Rapport Choir will have their spring Concert on Sunday April 22nd at 1:30 pm at Trinity. Save the Date!
Spring Blessings!