Trinity this week – April 13th, 2018

Hello Trinity Friends,

Please join us this Sunday for a special UCW worship service, celebrating our prayer shawl ministry.  Following the service there will be a UCW sponsored lunch. Free will offering.

Some Announcements and Upcoming Events 

Delicious Maple Syrup is available for purchase from the Scouts after church this Sunday.  All proceeds help to support the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Ventures of the First North Bay Scouting groups that meet at Trinity.

Trip Presentation

Rob and Betty Farris will be presenting their May/June 2019 trip

“European Gems: Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia”, Sat., April14, at 3:00 p.m. in Trinity’s fellowship room. All are welcome to attend.

The Canadian Ecology Centre presents “Words in the Woods”.  If interested in attending there are 2 for 1 tickets available.  For information visit or emai Barck Roads Bill at and mention this offer to Trinity.

Tickets are now available for the upcoming Nunsense musical – starring Darlene Laferriere, Tracey Halsey, Michelle Webster, Lisa Boivin and Roxey Size and Directed by Maureen Cassidy  Nunsense, follows the comic misadventures of the Little Sisters of Hoboken as they stage a variety show to raise funds after they discover that their cook has accidentally poisoned 52 of the sisters. Performances take place Wednesday May 9 to Saturday May 12th at 7:30 pm and Sunday May 13th at 2 pm at Trinity United Church (Ferguson at McIntyre) in North Bay.  Tickets are $20 and available from Darlene or Lisa Blais. To reserve tickets call 705-477-4982.  You will not want to miss this show!



  • Rapport Concert –Sunday, April 22nd 1:30pm
  • Communion Service-Tuesday, April 24th 10:00am Empire Living Centre.
  • Communion Service-Cassellholme, Tuesday, May 8th 11:00am.
  •  “Nunsense” – Trinity welcomes the Dressing Room Production May 9-13th.
  • Free to Be – Mustard Seed Musical – June 2nd and 3rd