Hello All,
I am sending out this email a day ahead of my usual practice so I can remind you or the AOTS Soup Tasting evening tomorrow night! The AOTS have obtained compostable containers to serve the soup in, so there is no need to bring your own! There are over 28 varieties of soup to choose from. Soup is on from 5 to 6:30 pm. Tickets are $10 Adults, $8 children 6 to 12 (5 and under is free), $25 for a family of 4. See you tomorrow!
Immediately following the soup tasting, the youth group will gather to attend an Escape Room adventure. Youth in grade 7 and up are welcome. RSVP to blais.trinity@gmail.com
This Sunday join us at 10:30 am for worship. Rev. Ted’s meditation is “Make this Place Beautiful” and in Sunday School, the children will wrap up their final week on their Baptism rotation.
Some upcoming events and announcements are below. Please read!
Next Sunday (January 26th) is Robbie Burns’ Sunday – Tartan and Scottish attire is always welcome!
Registration is now open for the Trinity Family Retreat. Saturday February 15th to Monday February 17th at Spirit Point. See the flyer and registration information outside the church office or email blais.trinity@gmail.com for more information.
Please note the date change for our Annual Coffee House Talent NightA – it will now take place on Friday February 21st. A sign-up sheet for talent and decadent dessert offerings will be up next week. We are also looking for a couple people to assist in the kitchen. Please speak with Brad Stenning or Sue Miller if you can help in the kitchen!
Sunday School Help Needed We are so fortunate to have an active Sunday School and youth group here at Trinity – and this is because of the dedication and commitment of a wonderful group of volunteers! If you would like to join this amazing group and contribute to this important ministry please speak Marcel or Carling (your Sunday School Superintendents), myself (your Designated Lay Minister) or with any of the Sunday School teachers! We provide lessons that are geared to your strengths. You need only commit to a few Sundays a year. Please consider joining our team!