Trinity this week – Hallowe’en Sunday

This Sunday join us for a special Hallowe’en worship service.  Costumes are most welcome!  

Following the worship service please plan to stay for a free will offering lunch provided by the UCW followed by The Rapport Singers Concert “Come Build a Longer Table”.  The Rapport singers are joined by special guests “The Quoir”.  Tickets are $15 adults, $10 Students (12 and under free) and are available at the door.  The concert begins at 2 pm – this Sunday!

A reminder that today is the deadline to sign up you puzzle competition team!  All teams are welcome to a fun and friendly jigsaw puzzle competition on Saturday November 2 from 2 to 4 pm.  $20 per team – proceeds to Autism Support at One Kids Place.  Register at Creative Learning or by filling out the forms outside the church office.

The Trinity Non Event Fundraiser for the Roof

There is still time to get your ticket for the Trinity Non-Event in support of the roof repair. Remember, you don’t have to do anything: no sandwiches to make, no cake to bake, no pies to assemble, you do not have to dress up and leave your house. There will be no entertainment. For the low price of $25, we are giving you permission to stay home in your comfy clothes and do nothing. The full cost is tax deductible and may not be redeemed on Sunday morning. You can attend as many non-events as you like at $25 per non-event. Take a selfie of yourself at the event and #trinitynonevent or send your picture to Lisa and she will take care of the social media. Tickets can be picked up from the table outside the office.

The UCW Tea and Bazaar is coming up soon!  Mark your calendars for Saturday November 9th from 1 to 3 pm.  We are looking for donations to the white elephant table (jewelry, books, knick-  knacks, small working appliances, dishes, Christmas decorations, toys, gift items)  Please do not bring in clothing, plants unsealed cosmetics, opened spices, etc.  We are also in need of sandwiches, squares and cookies.  Thank you for any help you can offer!