Trinity this week – Epiphany

Hello Trinity Friends and Happy New Year!

This Sunday we celebrate the season of Epiphany.  Sunday School will resume with a rotation on Baptism.

There are a few events coming up in January and a couple of announcements to draw your attention to.

The Annual Soup Tasting Evening, hosted by the AOTS is coming up!  Always a busy night and a family favourite!  Contributions of soup are encouraged!  If you are willing to make a pot of soup, please sign up in the Fellowship Hall or speak with Maurice Laporte.  The Soup Tasting evening takes place Friday January 17th at 5 pm.  prices are  $10 Adults, $8 Children 12 and under, $25 for family and under 6 are free.

A Taste of India Dinner takes place on Saturday January 25th at 5 pm.  This is a fundraiser for the roof – tickets are $40 (you will receive a $25 tax receipt).  There only a couple of tickets left – if you want to come be sure to contact the office asap!

Registration for the Trinity Family Retreat is now open!  Registration forms are available on the table outside the office.  This year our theme will be “Northern Lights”  As always there will be indoor and outdoor activities, social time, family worship, delicious meals and more!  Saturday February 15th to Monday February 17th at Spirit Point!  Registration: $85 Adults and Teens and $50 per child (12 and under) Children under 3 are free – accommodations, meals and all supplies are included.For more information and to register please contact Marcel MacDonald at or Lisa Blais at

​Hold onto yer horses and get ready for a tale from the Good Book like you’ve never heard it before! A Mustard Seed Information session will take place on Wednesday February 5th at 6 pm.  Scripts and CD’s will be handed out.  Rehearsals will begin AFTER March Break with June 13th and 14th performances.  This year we will be performing Jonah’s Druthers – The story of Jonah told with a spagetti western twist! All young people in Senior Kindergarten and up are ​invited.  There will be parts for everyone!

See you Sunday!