Hello Trinity Friends,
This Sunday September 30th we celebrate St. Francis Sunday. You are invited to bring a furry friend or an animal memento to be blessed at the service.
We are also encouraging people to wear orange in memory of those families and children who were affected by Residential Schools – many workplaces and schools are wearing orange today as well – but the official Orange Shirt Day is Sunday September 30th.
Next Sunday is Thanksgiving Sunday and Communion. Join us as we share Communion – joining our brothers and sisters around the world who are also sharing Communion! In honour of that, we will have a variety of breads to choose from.
Thanksgiving Offering Envelopes will be available from your ushers this Sunday. Our food bank has been very busy. Please remember the food bank when you are shopping this week. Non-perishable items such as soup, pasta, tuna, peanut butter, as well as longer shelf life vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, squash and of course, envelope donations will be collected by the Sunday School children next Sunday. Please check your expiry dates! Thank-you for supporting this ministry!
A reminder that this upcoming week the Apple Pie project will be in full swing. Thank-you to the Linda Holmes and Bay Today for the wonderful article about this amazing project! The phone has been ringing off the hook with orders! If you have not ordered yours yet, you should get your order in asap to avoid disappointment! If you want to lend a hand or order a pie, please contact Darlene Laferriere or call the Church Office at (705)474-3310