Hello Trinity Friends,
This Sunday we celebrate World Wide Communion Sunday with brothers and sisters in faith all over the world. As it also the first Sunday of the month, we will have a hymn sing at 10:15. Come early and choose your favourite hymn to sing.
This Sunday, Thanksgiving Offering envelopes will be distributed. Please be sure to get yours from the ushers. Thanksgiving Offerings will be collected next Sunday, along with non-perishable food for the Monday Morning Food Shelf.
Some upcoming events for your calendar
Monday October 7th, 1 pm: The UCW will meet in the Fireside Room (note the date change!). The guest speaker will be Mary Sherwood. She will talk about her experiences as a missionary. All ladies are welcome
Monday October 7th: Communion Service at Empire Living
Retirement Home, 10am
Tuesday October 8th: 6:45pm “Yom Kippur” service at the Sons of Jacob Synagogue. Featuring “The Near North Voices”
Sunday October 13th : Thanksgiving Baptism Sunday, 10:30am (families interested in baptism on this Sunday should be in touch with the Trinity office ASAP!)
Friday October 18th: The
Youth Group will be meeting for a Board Games Extravaganza from 6:30 – 8:30
Happy October,