Being Trinity United Church

A Theological Reflection from Rev. Ted

          In the Book of Genesis (the very first book of the Bible) God says, “Let us make humanity in our own image.” Do you notice the “us” the “our,” the “we”? Simply by our name, “Trinity,” our community speaks the language of “we.” From its early days, the Christian tradition emphasizes that God embraces multiplicity, diversity, community!

          As with most United Churches, you will find a diversity of beliefs at Trinity. After all, “United” does not mean “Uniform”! But it does imply the kind of  “Unity” that you’ll find in healthy families—where we bear with one another, and together affirm that our diversity can be a source of profound strength.

          In his stories of healing it is often stated that Jesus restored people to their communities–that an important part of Jesus’ healing is the mending of broken relationship. Acceptance, inclusion, and dialogue are all part of knowing that human lives are deeply interwoven. We try to live out the Good News story in ways that honour that truth. Now more than ever, community is so important!

          Living in Christian community means engaging with the Christian story– which stretches back long before Jesus was born, and far beyond the written words of the Bible. We need to take our scriptures seriously, if not always literally. They have authority for us, although that authority is misused when it denigrates “the Other” (whether  because of their race, faith, gender, sexuality or ability), because they too bear that divine image in which we are all made!  

          In my leadership at Trinity, I strive for the most generous kind of Christian orthodoxy. Where we learn from the richness of our history, but are not constrained by it in all its variety, triumph, and shame. Where we are open to the Spirit’s teachings from inside and beyond church confines. Where we expect to be surprised by how, when, and where God’s joyous love finds us.

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