Hello Trinity Friends and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Please join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 am. Thank you to Rev. Kathleen McCallum for leading our service while some of us are away at the Spirit Point Family Retreat. In Sunday School the children will be celebrating Love with a special craft project (the same craft that is being done at Spirit Point). Thanks to Diane Cook for leading this activity.
Important Announcements
Trinity’s Red Hot Chili Night has been postponed to March 21st. If you are able to contribute a chili or dessert, please sign up in the fellowship hall. You can choose to enter your chili into the competition, or just to be enjoyed on its own merit 🙂
This is a fantastic evening of food, fellowship and fun, with a few new exciting changes this year! We hope you will save the date and plan to attend this fundraiser for Trinity Family events!
Annual Report Items due this Sunday
For those committees and groups who submit to the Annual Report – this is your reminder that you must submit them to Ross by Sunday!
The Annual Congregational Meeting will take place on Sunday March 2nd
Upcoming Events and Other Announcements
On Saturday February 22nd, Trinity will be joining with other United Church Friends to raise funds and awareness for hunger in our community. We are walking in support of the Gathering Place – our local soup kitchen! Please consider making a pledge to our team or join our team – we’d love the company for the walk and the help with fundraising. If you’d like to make a pledge or join our team see Cindy Brownlee after church today or click on the link here –>Team UCFuN
Sunday March 1st from 2 – 4 pm. Celebrate the 100th anniversaries of the United Church of Canada and North bay with some fun all ages trivia. We are encouraged to sign up in teams of 4 – if you want to participate with your Trinity (and wider United Church friends) let Rev. Ted, Cindy Brownlee, Rev. Lillian Roberts or Lisa Blais know! After a fun round of trivia head over to Trinity for the Camp Caritou Pasta Supper! Visit the United Churches of North Bay and Area Facebook page to stay up to date on all the upcoming celebrations! United Churches of North Bay
Swiss Chalet Receipts
If you are eating at our local Swiss Chalet, please keep your table receipt and deposit it in the container outside the main office or in the narthex. Trinity receives a 10% donation of the amount paid for food.