Hello Trinity Friends,
Last Sunday we had a wonderful Rally Back celebration! We had a great turnout – all with physical distance measures and covid safety precautions in place. The afternoon (un)picnic at Camp Tillicum was also a great success as well. So wonderful to be able to visit with Trinity friends, play some games and have a great vesper’s service. Thank you to Cindy Brownlee for organizing games! Thanks also to Cassie for organizing a baby shower gift for Kawai and Julie’s baby.
A reminder to folk that are attending in person worship, that the doors will be locked at 10:30 sharp. There is also a chance that we may be at capacity – with physical distance measures in place, our seating is limited. If you come late, or if we are full, please accept our apologies for not being able to attend in person, but feel welcome to join us for worship on our YouTube Channel Trinity’s Worship Services or on Cogeco’s YourTV a week later (Channel 12 and HD700 at 8 am and 3 pm).
Next week is Orange Shirt Day – please remember to wear your Orange on Sunday September 26th and also on September 30th to honour and remember those children and their families affected by the Residential school system.
There are a number of announcements to share with you. Please read on.
We have just heard the news that Trinity member Marg Langlois died Rev. Ted will be leading a graveside service this afternoon. Marg’s obituary will be posted here soon https://martynfh.com/tribute/current-services/index.html Our sympathies go out to Marg’s family and friends.
For those of you wishing to join in Diane and Adam’s wedding celebration remotely, it will be posted on Trinity’s YouTube page. https://www.youtube.com/c/trinitynorthbayThe wedding takes place on Saturday September 18th at 3 pm. Any well wishes can be sent to Diane and Adam directly. You can get their email or mailing address by contacting the church.
The Rotary Club is hosting a “Fill the Crib” fundraising drive for Trinity’s Infant Food Shelf and the NICU. (proceeds will be split between the two). If you’d like to participate please see the attached flyer. New baby items (see attached list), monetary and Walmart Gift Card donations can be dropped off at Northgate Mall (Best Buy entrance) on Saturday September 25th between 11 am and 4 pm. Thank-you for your support!
The Trinity Board will meet (via zoom) on Tuesday September 21st at 7 pm
The Manitou Intentional Learning Community invites you to Pandemic Resiliency: Coping emotionally, spiritually and mentally through the challenges of the Pandemic on Wednesday, September 22nd from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. via Zoom.
This workshop, presented by Susan Browning, will explore ways in which the Pandemic has impacted our mental and spiritual health, share practical coping strategies, and look to the future exploring hope and faith in the resilient spirit God has given us. For more information and to register and receive the Zoom link, please email manitouintentionallearning@gmail.com