Hello Trinity Friends,
This Sunday our worship is at 10:30 am as usual. We welcome friends from St. Andrew’s as well as any other visitors to our Church. Sunday School continues at Trinity throughout July. We are a little less formal but still just as fun.
The following Sunday (July 30th) will be our last Sunday before Trinity closes for summer holidays. Our friends from St. Andrew’s will be welcoming us to worship with them from August 6th – September 3rd.
A reminder that we will be hosting 50 + young people for our summer camp from July 24th to 28th. If you wish to help out – the kitchen crew would be grateful for mini muffins (nut free), cookies or regular sized un-frosted cupcakes (the kids decorate them for the parents on the last day of camp).
During the week of VBC, the regular groups will be cancelled – please remember that there will be alot of activity (and a little chaos) so plan your drop in accordingly if you need to come to the office that week.
TRINITY FAMILIES has organized a casual camping trip for August 11-13 at Lake Bernard Park in Sundridge. Bring your own tent/trailer and food, cost is $27/family per night. The park
is celebrating Halloween that weekend, so bring a costumes for the kids and go trick or treating! We’ll watch the Perseid Meteor Shower peak on the 12th and roast marshmallows by the campfire! Open to everyone; the more the merrier! Sign up sheet downstairs, see Carling Lutecki for details.
And finally, don’t forget to sign up for 8th ANNUAL NORTH BAY & AREA UNITED CHURCH “GOLF CHALLENGE” at Osprey Links (Callander)
Thursday August 31,2017
Registration: 1pm (Devotion, hole assignment & rules clarification)
COST: $80 / person
(includes 18 holes, dinner, power cart, prizes)
Dinner only: $30 (6:30 pm at the Club House- confirmed rain or shine!)
For information contact:
Contact Trinity (705)474-3310