Trinity Weekly Update – October 3rd

Hello Trinity Friends,

It has been a wonderfully busy week here at Trinity as over 1600 (of the best tasting) apple pies were made. It has been incredible to witness the number of people who volunteer their time to come out and be a part of this community fundraiser!  Even our Mayor Al McDonald joined us to make a pie!   Pictures will be posted on the website and on facebook if you would like to catch a glimpse of what the project looked like.
If you missed out on buying an apple pie you can still buy some apples from the Scouts who will be selling them after church this Sunday!
This Sunday we join with sisters and brothers in faith around the world in celebrating World Wide Communion.  Communion will be served early in the service while the children are present.  At Trinity we welcome all people to join us in sharing communion.  
Next Sunday October 12th is Thanksgiving Sunday.  This will be a lively service with baptisms and special guest musicians.   
During the service we will be collecting donations for Trinity’s Food Shelf and Benevolent Fund. These will be collected during the service by the Sunday School Children.  Trinity’s Food Shelf includes a breakfast program, a food bank as well as an Infant Food Shelf program.  The Benevolent Fund is an emergency fund given out at the discretion of Trinity’s ministers to those in need. If you would like information or to volunteer for any of these programs please speak with Lisa Blais.
Upcoming Events at Trinity
I-DYG (Interdenominational Youth Group) Pizza Party – Sunday October 4th at 12:30 – 3 pm at Calvin Presbyterian Church.  All youth in grade 7 and up are invited!  
UCW Meeting: Please note the date change!  The UCW will meet in the Fireside Room at 1 pm on Tuesday October 14th.  All women are welcome!
Fall Blessings!