Trinity this week – January 31, 2021 Baptism of Jesus Sunday

Hello Trinity Friends,

This Sunday join us for worship on Trinity’s YouTube Channel.  You can find the link to all our worship services, pre-service music and more by clicking on this link Trinity’s YouTube Channel

As we continue to adapt to our current situation, we have begun to organize our online worship services a little differently. Pre-service music will be available to watch on our YouTube channel beginning at 10:15 am on Sunday. The worship service will premiere at 10:30 am.  All pre-service music will be available to enjoy in the Pre-Service Music Folder on the YouTube page. If you explore Trinity’s YouTube channel you will find last year’s Blues Lent playlist available to watch as well – look for a 2021 playlist in a few weeks!

Below you will find a few announcements. Please remember that Trinity’s staff continue to work (mostly) from home. If you need to reach any of us, please call the church office or email the appropriate person. The Church answering machine is checked by Wanda several times per day.  

A reminder of the “Guess Who is Coming to Lunch?” gathering on Zoom TOMORROW (Friday Jan 29) 12 noon – 1pm     Hosted by the North Bay & Area UC Mission Cluster​ it is ​a social event for those wishing greater connection with others​.  All are welcome.   ​For more information or to obtain the link contact the Church office

AOTS GIFT CARDS The next Gift Card order date is scheduled for Sunday evening, Jan 31, 2021.  With the current Covid restriction in place, we can only offer 1 way to submit your order sometime between now and 4:00 PM Sunday Jan 31st.  You can deliver your order along with your cheque or cash payment to 241 Lake Heights Rd, and place it into the mail box.  Your cheque should be made payable to Trinity United Church AOTS.

The Manitou Intentional Learning Community is excited to be collaborating with the Anglican Church of the Epiphany, Sudbury, to present Hate, Racism and Islamophobia in Canada: Where are we now? Where are we going? with Fareed Kahn, founder of the anti-racism group Canadians United Against Hate. The event will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, February 3rd from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. To register, go to  Meeting Registration Or and click REGISTER We hope that this gathering will enable participants to ask hard questions, and to raise our awareness of how we might each do our part to become more active in combating hate and racism in our lives and communities. ​

Stay well​!