Trinity User Group – Covid Guidelines

October 2021

Dear Trinity Community,

Welcome to Trinity United Church.  We have missed all the activity that normally fills our church building and welcome you back with a several new guidelines to keep everyone safe. 

We ask that you please be respectful of everyone around you. We want to keep our Trinity building a safe place. Individuals and members of all groups must always follow the safety rules. Group leaders are responsible for making sure all members of their groups are following these guidelines and, as of November 1st 2021 are fully vaccinated and the church office has verified everyones vaccination status.


  1. PROOF OF VACCINATION – Effective November 1st all members of all groups meeting in the church who are eligible to receive a vaccine must provide proof of vaccination to the church office. See page 5.       
  2. MASKS – Masks will be mandatory and must always be worn.  They must cover your nose, mouth and chin.
  3. SELF-SCREENING – before coming into the building.  See below.
  4. ENTRANCE – Through McIntyre St Entrance. Please avoid congestion
  5. CLEAN HANDS – Wash hands before leaving home and hand sanitize upon entering the church. We also request that you hand sanitize when you leave the church.
  6. RECORD KEEPING – Contact Tracing is required for anyone who has access to the building at anytime for any length of time. See below.
  7. WASHROOMS – Washrooms are open with limited capacity. 
  8. NO LINGERING IN THE BUILDING – please socialize outside.
  9. FOOD OR DRINK – not allowed at this time unless prior approval.

Trinity United Church will be following the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit guidelines and policies which can change, and we have established some additional policies to help keep our community safe. If you are unsure if your activity is acceptable within Trinity then please reach out to the church office for clarification.

Thank you for helping Trinity be a welcoming and safe place for everyone.

Trinity Covid Response Team

FOR ALL CHURCH USER GROUPS (Including Community and Trinity groups)

  • All meetings or use of church must be booked through the church office to manage the number of people within the building at one time. This is to reduce the congestion around  washrooms, entrance and exits. If you have not scheduled your meeting through the church office, then you may not attend.
  • Group leaders are to ensure Trinity Covid 19 safety protocols are being followed at all times.
  • No lingering within the building – please socialize outside
  • No food or drink served or shared (except water or for medical reasons)
  • Group leader is responsible for keeping attendance and contact tracing information, given to the office after EVERY meeting.


Program leaders are to ensure COVID-19 safety protocols are being followed at all times.
Only 1 caregiver drop off and pick up
No lingering within the building – please socialize outside. Caregivers are discouraged from hanging around during the meeting
Proof of vaccination is required for all eligible members including any parents or volunteers who access the building for longer than just drop off or pick up.
No food or drink served or shared (except water or for medical reasons)
Program leader is responsible for keeping attendance and contact tracing information, given to the office after EVERY meeting.


Proof of vaccination NOT REQUIRED to attend Worship Service, Weddings, Funerals, Food Shelf or AA Meetings.
No lingering within the building – please socialize outside.
No food or drink served or shared (except water or for medical reasons)
One Covid Response Team member or designate shall be in attendance at each service/activity to ensure COVID-19 safety protocols are being followed at all times.
Additional documents available regarding Worship activities and COVID-19 safety protocols.


The capacity of Trinity United Church will be limited to the number of people who can maintain 2-metre physical distance. 


Perform a self-screening prior to coming to the church.  

1)      If you have any of the following symptoms that are not related to other known causes or conditions you already have:  

  • Fever and/or chills 
  • Cough or barking cough (croup) 
  • Shortness of Breath 
  • Decrease or loss of Taste or Smell 
  • Muscle aches/joint pain 
  • Extreme tiredness 

2)      In the last 10 days, have you been identified as a “close contact” of someone who currently has COVID-19? 

3)      Have you been in close contact with someone who is sick or has confirmed COVID-19 in the past 14 days?  

4)      Have you returned from travelling outside Canada in the past 14 days and been told to quarantine?   

If you answered YES to any of these questions, do not enter the church & self-isolate right away. Call Telehealth 1- 866-797-0000, your healthcare provider, or a COVID-19 Assessment Centre at the North Bay Regional Health Centre at 705.474.8600 ext. 4110 to find out if you need a test.** 


  • Perform a Self-Screening.
  • Masks are mandatory. Please bring your own mask and wear it at all times.
  • Wash your hands prior to coming.
  • Although the church will have hand sanitizer, we request that you also bring your own to keep in your purse or pocket.
  • The washrooms will be open with very limited number of people allowed in at the same time.
  • If you are not feeling well, have a temperature over 37.5C, or are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or any illness, or you have been exposed to a case of COVID-19, you may not under any circumstances enter the building.


  • Please enter by the McIntyre St entrance
  • Sign in as soon as you come in or check in with your program leader for contact tracing purposes. 
  • Sanitize your hands


  • If at any time while you are in the building, you begin to feel ill, we ask you to leave immediately. **
  • Please always keep your mask on, covering your nose, mouth and chin while you are in the building.  Activities that require you to remove your mask are not permitted.
  • A 2-metre distance between people must be always maintained. Families and households living at the same residence may be together.
  • No food or drink


  • Exit using the McIntyre St door.
  • Sign out or follow the direction from your group leader
  • Please maintain a 2-metre distance with others as you are leaving.
  • Sanitize your hands prior to leaving.


  • Only one person will be allowed in a washroom at a time. (1 adult or 1 adult and 1 child) 
  • Please wash hands with warm, soapy water for a minimum of 20 seconds. 
  • Use paper towel to dry your hands and then use the paper towel to shut off the water tap. 
  • Use the paper towel to open the door. 
  • Dispose of the paper towel in the garbage beside the door. 

Lastly, we are doing our best with all the many restrictions placed upon us.  We ask that you continue to be patient as things may be a little different than what you are accustomed to.  Please follow the guidelines presented and respect our staff and volunteers who are now placed in the front line.  Failure to comply with Trinity Covid safety guidelines will result in the removal of you and /or your group from the building and revoking the privilege of using our space.

* Contact Tracing. Contact tracing is a process that is used to identify individuals who have had close contact with someone who is infected with the virus.  The sign-in sheet is necessary for every person who comes into our building, include the name, date, and phone number.  Program leaders are responsible for keeping proper attendance and ensuring a copy is given to the office after every meeting.  Any personal information that is collected for COVID-19 contract tracing can only be used for this purpose.  Records will only be kept for 30 days, and then shredded.

**IMPORTANT: If you suddenly feel ill, start coughing or sneezing, please leave the church for the health and safety of others. If within 14 days of attending church, you learn that you or someone in your family who attended with you has tested positive for COVID-19, you are asked to:

  1. Contact Telehealth Ontario at 1.866.797.0000, your health care provider, or a COVID-19 Assessment Centre at the North Bay Regional Health Centre at 705.474.8600 ext. 4110.
  2. Contact the church office at 705.474.3310 or by email at

Your identity will not be revealed to anyone other than the Public Health Authority, and only to ensure that the spread is contained.

COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccine Policy

Trinity United Church is committed to providing all members of the Trinity community with a healthy and safe environment and to fulfilling its responsibility to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the surrounding community. To this end, as of November 1, 2021, we are implementing a Proof of Vaccination Policy in accordance with the requirements outlined by the Province of Ontario, conscious of the fact that we are currently exceeding our legal requirement and following the recommendation of North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit which encourages businesses to create their own vaccine policies.


This policy applies to all staff, volunteers and user groups participating in any group activities or meetings within the church effective November 1 2021.

Exempted Activities

Activities that will be excluded from this policy include;

  • Worship in the sanctuary (including funerals and weddings)
  • Food Shelf and Infant Food Shelf services (in take-out format)
  • AA and affiliated groups
  • Contractors, individuals visiting or meeting with a staff member that are not part of a larger group

Vaccination Requirement

All individuals attending any activities, not exempted above, who are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and to provide proof of vaccination satisfactory to Trinity United Church, subject to the provisions set out below. For the purpose of this Policy, “fully vaccinated” means that the Individual has received the full series of a COVID-19 vaccine or combination of COVID-19 vaccines approved by the World Health Organization (two doses of a two-dose vaccine series or one dose of a single-dose vaccine series), and at least 14 days have passed since the final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine was administered.

In addition to these vaccination requirements, COVID-19 public health protocols will remain in effect, which may include but are not limited to limitations on screening requirements, physical distancing, the use of masks or other face coverings, hand hygiene and sanitation protocols, which activities are permitted, and limitations on gatherings as appropriate. Trinity United Church will periodically review and update these protocols based on evolving provincial requirements and public health guidance, but reserves the right to implement public health protocols that exceed those mandated by the Province or public health officials.

It is the discretion of the individual to determine whether they choose to be vaccinated or to disclose their vaccination status. Should they make the decision not to be vaccinated or to not divulge their vaccine status, they will not be permitted to participate in non-exempted activities. 

Vaccination Exemptions

Trinity United Church will consider, on an individual case-by-case basis, requests for exemption from the vaccination requirement set out above based on medical or other grounds protected under the Ontario Human Rights Code as outlined here Proof of COVID-19 vaccination | COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Ontario.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Any individual or group who fails or refuses to comply with the requirements of this vaccination Policy or other covid 19 safety guidelines outlined by Trinity United Church will be denied access to the non-exempted activities as outlined above.

Collection, Use and Storage of Information

Information regarding an Individual’s vaccination status and/or whether they have an approved exemption from the vaccine requirement may be disclosed to authorized Group leaders for the purpose of administering and ensuring compliance with this Policy.

Duration and Review of Policy

This COVID-19 Vaccination Policy may be reviewed and updated at any time to ensure that the measures outlined remain appropriate in the circumstances and are consistent with provincial requirements and the guidance and recommendations of public health officials.


Any individual may submit or show proof of vaccination to a designated Trinity vaccine verification compliance officer to be recorded and kept on file for future reference. Once Trinity United Church has documented an individuals vaccine status they will not need to show it upon each entry unless requested by a group leader who is unaware of the individuals vaccine status.

Additional Resources

COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate Program – North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit (

How to download your vaccine status

View, print and download your vaccine certificate/receipt by going to and following the prompts. Don’t forget your health card!

If you have a red and white health card, contact the provincial vaccine booking line at 1-833-943-3900 and a call centre agent can email you a copy of your receipt.

If you are having trouble with the online process, call our COVID-19 Call Centre at 1-844-478-1400 and a call centre agent can email you a copy of your receipt. A printed copy can be picked up at the North Bay or Parry Sound office. Please allow one business day if requesting a printed copy of your vaccine receipt.

Proof of Vaccination Guidance for Businesses and Organizations under the Reopening Ontario Act (

QA Document (

COVID-19 | Canadian Shield Regional Council

Ontario Releasing Guidance to Support Proof of Vaccination Policy | Ontario Newsroom

New Requirement for Proof of Vaccination in Certain Settings: Frequently Asked Questions | Ontario Newsroom