Trinity Weekly Update – First Sunday in Lent

Hello Trinity Friends!

This Sunday is the first Sunday in Lent.  As has been our custom, we will be sharing in Holy Communion.  We celebrate Communion early in the service, while the Sunday School is present, because at Trinity, all are welcome at Christ’s table.  During our service, we begin our “music that gets us through the night” Lenten series.  Our musicians this week are Paolo Dottori< Peggy Millar, the Junior Choir and Marcel MacDonald.
Following Communion, children will continue downstairs for Sunday School.  The children are learning about Wisdom in the bible and in our lives.
Upcoming Events
A reminder that this Saturday March 4th, the Friends of Camp Caritou are holding a Pasta Dinner. 5:00 to 7:00 pm  $10.00 for Adults, $5.00 for Children
Romeo + Juliet Lecture Series – Rapier Combat with Josh Bainbridge – Sunday March 4th.  For times and to sign-up, see the sheet in the Fellowship Hall or speak with Rod Carley.
Spring Communion Services
Nipissing Manor – Tuesday March 7th, 2:30 pm
Marina Point – Monday March 20th, 10 am
For your calendars!  Trinity’s Red Hot Friday Night Chili Cook-off is Friday March 24th.  If you would like to sign-up your Chili or Dessert, please do so in the Fellowship Hall after church.  Chili, Buns, Refreshments and Live Musical Entertainment plus prizes!  

Blessings and warmth!