Dear Friends,
The terrible events of this past week in Quebec City have left many of us heartbroken and stunned. Rev. Ted has reached out to our Muslim friends and neighbours to offer condolences and the support of our United Church Community.
For those of you who would like to offer messages of condolence and solidarity, both Trinity and St. Andrew’s have books you may sign at the McIntyre entrance to both churches. The doors will be open during the morning hours for those who want to stop by. (Ring the bell if locked) If you are unable to get to either Trinity or St. Andrew’s there is also a book available for signing at City Hall.
Trinity’s book will also be available to sign on Sunday. Please take a moment to sign the book.
Join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 am. We will explore the theme of being salt and light to our world. The Sunday School children will be doing the same down in Sunday School!
Following the worship service, will be our annual Snowshoe Sunday!
TODAY 1-4pm. We will meet at the Canadian Ecology Centre which is situated in Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park at 6905 Hwy 17. The hot chocolate will ready as we wait for everyone’s arrival. For those who don’t own show shoes, the Ecology Centre supplies some amazing high tech ones at no extra cost. Sign up sheet with more information in the Fellowship Hall.
Also, a reminder that Trinity and FIRST 1305 Lego Team have teamed up to raise money for the Gathering Place Soup Kitchen. You are welcome to join the team and walk with us on Saturday February 25th, or if you are able, to make a pledge to our team. Pledge sheets are available from the office. You can also donate or join the team by clicking on this link.…
May peace be upon you,