Good Morning Trinity Friends,
If you have not made plans already for this evening, a reminder that the perfect remedy for a cold winter’s day is soup! Tonight from 5 until 6:30, the AOTS will be serving up several varieties of delicious soup, along with salad and buns. $10 Adults, $5 (Children 6- 12 – under 6 are free) $25 per family.
Following the soup tasting, why not take in a performance of Mustard Seed’s production of Godspell at 7:30 pm? This show is not to be missed! Tickets are $10 Adults and $8 Students (available at the door). If you can’t attend tonight you have 2 other choices: Saturday January 14th at 7:30 or Sunday January 15th at 1:30.
This Sunday January 15th, we celebrate the Call of the Disciples during our morning worship at 10:30 am. Following the worship, there will be a free will offering lunch provided by the UCW .
Upcoming Events and Announcements
* Trinity’s Annual Coffee House – Friday January 20th at 7 pm. Join us for an evening of entertainment: music, readings, laughter, coffee and gourmet desserts. If you can provide a dessert please sign it up on the sheet in the Sunday School Hall or message Lisa at
* Pizza Kits are being sold by Trinity Families as a fundraiser for the Family Day Weekend retreat at Spirit Point. For more information please see Carling Lutecki after the service.
* Junior Mustard Seed coming this Spring! An information session for the new production will take place in the Fireside Room on Sunday January 22nd at 12 pm. All young people in Grade 1 – 8 (and their parents) are invited to attend for information and to receive a script and CD. Rehearsals will begin after March Break with performance dates on Friday June 2nd and Saturday June 3rd.
Blessings and warmth,