Trinity this week – World Wide Communion Sunday – October 6, 2024

Hello Trinity Friends,

This upcoming week Trinity will be buzzing with activity as our community comes together to support Trinity’s largest fundraising effort – the Apple Pie Project! We need many hands to help – please consider taking some time this upcoming week to help out!  It is a great way to support Trinity, enjoy fellowship and have fun!  See further in this message for more information on how you can get involved.

We hope you will join us this Sunday for our World Wide Communion Service.  We will be celebrating the sacrament with our faith families around the world.  A reminder that at Trinity, we have an open table, all are welcome to celebrate the sacrament with us!  Following communion, children will head downstairs for Sunday School.

The following Sunday is Thanksgiving Sunday. You are invited to bring items for our Monday Food Shelf.  Food such as cereal, canned meat or fish, soup or stew, pasta, Kraft dinner, peanut butter, etc. is always appreciated.  Cash to purchase our weekly food items is also welcome – we have at times had to spend $700 – $1000 a week to keep our cupboards stocked!  (Thanksgiving envelopes will be available from your ushers) Thank you for supporting this needed ministry. 

There are a few more announcements and upcoming events to share – please keep reading!

Apple Pie Shifts

  • Apple Washing – after church this Sunday October 6
  • peelers, rollers, cutters, assemblers, baggers and more!  There are many opportunities to get involved.  Monday October 7 through to Thursday Oct 10  9 am – 12:30 pm AND Tuesday evening October 8, 6:30-8:30 

Contact Darlene Laferriere for more information (705)474-7847

Yom Kippur Service, October 11th
Yom Kippur is the highest holy day in Judaism, focussed on the annual repentance of sins and setting intentions for the Jewish new year. The Sons of Jacob synagogue is open to the public on Friday October 11th at 7pm for a service of prayers attended by the Near North Voices choir. 

On Sunday October 20th– after worship and coffee time– Reverends Lisa and Ted will host a Trinity membership class.        We’ll have conversations about faith, about the United Church of Canada, and about a membership Sunday. Please be in touch with Rev. Ted if you’re interested in becoming an official member of the congregation! See you Sunday!

Trinity Arts is excited to host a couple of upcoming concerts.

World Singing Day takes place on Saturday October 19th from 2 – 3:30 pm in our Sanctuary! It is a free event uniting people across the world in song! Everyone welcome!

The County joins us for an intimate concert on Saturday, November 9th, 2024 in the Sanctuary.  Doors open at 7pm and the show begins at 7:30pm.  The County, is a modern country band and will share some new material as well as proven crowd favourites. Tickets are available at the Trinity box office or online at are $25 in advance, $30 at the door, but Trinity friends will have a special price of $20 (in advance only at Trinity) 460981847_832367809080614_2768450715438727100_n.jpg