Hello Trinity Friends,
This Labour Day weekend, many of you are squeezing out the very last bit of summer holidays. Some of you are preparing for a return to school ..At Trinity, we have been preparing for the start of a new season. You will find the fall newsletter posted here https://trinitynorthbay.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/2024-Fall-Newsletter-Sept-1-1.pdf within it, you will discover the programs and activities that will be starting up in the next few weeks – who knows, perhaps you will discover something new to try?
Please join us for worship this Sunday morning at 10:30 am. Following the morning worship, please feel welcome to join us downstairs in the Fellowship Hall (Sunday School Hall) for coffee and fellowship.
APPLE PIE FUNDRAISER: Apple Pie season will soon be upon us. Please make note of the following dates and plan to help out where you can. We need as many people as possible so invite your friends to join in the fun. There are jobs for everyone. Don’t feel obliged to stay for the whole time period. If you can only volunteer an hour or two, that is also appreciated.
Please call Darlene at 705-474-7847, if you have any questions. Pies can be ordered by filling out the order form and returning it to the office. The pies will cost $15 and of course, we are only making 1000 pies!
• Tuesday September 3 – Thursday September 5, 9:00-12:30;
spice bags and dry pastry
• Monday September 9 – Wednesday Sept 11 9:00-12:30; pie bottoms
• Saturday October 5, pick apples. Please call Dave McKenney at (705) 474-7847
• Sunday October 6, wash apples after church 12:00-3:00
• Monday October 7 – Thursday Oct 10 9:00-12:30; assemble pies
• Tuesday evening October 8, 6:30-8:30; assemble pies
Next Sunday September 8th, we celebrate Rally Back Sunday! We will be kicking off a new season in Sunday School and Rev. Ted will be holding a blessing of the backpacks. Please bring your school or work bags to church next week. In the afternoon, all are invited to join us for our annual Rally Back Picnic on the shores of Lake Nipissing at Camp Tillicum (directions are available by request). We gather from 2 until 6:30 ish for games, fellowship, a potluck meal and an evening vespers. Sandwich meat and buns (with fixings) and ice cream bars will be provided – please bring a potluck appetizer or side dish to share, along with your plate, cutlery and chair. All are welcome!
In this week’s bulletin (which is also posted on our website), as well as the Fall Newsletter, you will find details about many other upcoming activities and ways that you can get involved in the many ministries that take place at Trinity. We hope you will feel welcome to join in!
See you at Trinity!