Hello Trinity Friends,This Sunday we celebrate Remembrance Sunday, led by Rev. Kathy, our Associate Retired Minister. We will take pause to honour and remember those men and women who have served and continue to serve in military service to our country. The service begins at 10:30 am and will be livestreamed to Youtube and re-posted there afterwards to view at any point afterwards. Here is the link to the Youtube channel Trinity’s YouTube ChannelThere are limited seats available in-person. Doors open at 10 am. Reminder: masks must be worn at all times and you must pass a Covid screening test.
A reminder to those of you submitting items to the Advent newsletter – please get those in to Ross by tomorrow!
This weekend the Canadian Shield Regional Council will be meeting over zoom for a General Meeting. We will be celebrating Rev. Ted’s 20th year in Ordained Ministry as well as Rev. Lillian Roberts and Will Kunder’s retirements.If you wish, you can watch the livestream celebration of worship Saturday November 7th at 7 pm here CSRC Celebration of Ministry Service
The Advent Newsletter will be available next weekend and will contain some information about events and worship services from Advent into the early part of the new year.
Grace and peace,