Trinity this week – Reign of Christ Sunday

Hello Trinity Friends,
This Sunday join us for worship either online or in person (limited seating) at 10:30 am.  A reminder that all our worship services, past and present, can be found on our YouTube channel
The order of service and hymn lyrics are posted below.  Please feel free to print them and follow along!  Please note that orders of service will not be handed out during worship.

Did you knowYou can dedicate a bulletin/worship service in honour, in celebration, in memory of an important person in your life?  If you would like to order a dedication for any of the upcoming weeks, please be in touch with Wanda in the church office.  The cost to dedicate a bulletin/worship service is a $25.  Thank-you!

Next Sunday – November 29th is the first Sunday in Advent.  We will be sharing in the sacrament of Holy Communion – covid style!  For those of you who are at home, you will be invited to gather your own elements: bread and juice, or crackers and chardonnay, or bagels and tea – or whatever other elements you choose.  There will be more information about how we will share Communion together next week. 

A reminder that your Trinity Covid Risk Management Team (there may be a new name for this group coming soon) continues to look for ways to ensure that we remain safe during these pandemic times.  If you are coming into the church for any reason, you must follow the guidelines which you can find here: Trinity’s Covid 19 Health and Safety Procedures

If you plan to come into the church, please be sure to call ahead first.  We are not yet open for regular office hours, although the staff are often present in the building – you must call ahead to schedule an appointment to drop in.  Thank you!