Greetings on this rainy Friday! We are hopeful the weather will shift in time for our Rally Back Picnic this Sunday! We hope you will join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 am. It is our Rally Back service and there will be a blessing of school and work bags during Children’s time. Please remember to bring them along!
Following the service, during coffee time, we invite those who wish to subscribe to Trinity’s digital calendar (and never miss an exciting Trinity event again) to bring along their devices. Amanda Silk and Alex Gasson will walk you through it. A quick guide is attached to this email which may be beneficial as well!
Also during coffee time, you are welcome to browse the various Christmas items that have accumulated over the years. They are free – please feel free to take them home!
After coffee time, you will have time to go home for lunch and change into comfy clothing for Trinity’s Annual Rally Back Potluck Picnic. The event starts at 2 and includes all ages games, social time, a potluck meal and a lakeside Vespers service. Sandwich meat and fixings are provided by AOTS. Ice cream bars and refreshments will also be provided. Please bring a potluck appetizer or side to share, plus a re-useable plate, cutlery and a chair. There are newer, more comfortable facilities at Camp Tillicum – we plan to have the picnic rain or shine!
Below you will find a few more announcements and upcoming events. Please keep reading!
The Canadian Chamber Choir (with special guests Sherryl Sewepagaham & Near North Voices) will be performing at St. Andrew’s United Church (399 Cassells St, North Bay) on Monday September 9th at 7:30 pm. Tickets: $20 -available in advance and at the door. CLICK HERE to purchase online.
APPLE PIE FUNDRAISER: Apple Pie season is here! Please make note of the following dates and plan to help out where you can. We need as many people as possible so invite your friends to join in the fun. There are jobs for everyone. Don’t feel obliged to stay for the whole time period. If you can only volunteer an hour or two, that is also appreciated. .
• Monday September 9, 9:00-12:30; pie bottoms
• Tuesday September 10, 9:00-12:30; pie bottoms
• Wednesday September 11, 9:00-12:30; pie bottoms (if needed)
Book Launch for our own Rod Carley’s latest novel, “Ruff!” at the David Fox Theatre of Canadore College (100 College Dr). Monday September 16th, 7pm-9pm
More Upcoming Dates
•September 20 – September 22nd: Women’s Wellness Retreat Weekend at Cairn Camp – Speak with Amanda Silk for more info.
•Sunday September 22nd: Saint Francis Sunday
(you’re welcome to bring a friendly live pet or an animal memento or photo or “stuffie” to church for a blessing! You are also encouraged to bring dry cat or dog food for the Monday Food Shelf!)
• Sunday September 29th: Carmichael United Church hosts this “Fifth Sunday of the Month”.
• Saturday October 5th: Apple Picking Day!
• Sunday October 6th: World-Wide Communion Sunday. Apple washing after church!
• October 7, 8, 9, 10: Trinity Apple Pies: Assembling and distributing the pies!
• Sunday October 13th: Thanksgiving Sunday and Baptism Sunday (families interested in baptism on should be in touch with the Trinity office ASAP!)
See you at Trinity!