Trinity this week – October 22, 2023

Hello Trinity Friends,

This Sunday, we join together for worship at 10:30 am.  Following the worship service, you are invited to stay for lunch.  This is a special celebration lunch – celebrating the many ways that people give. We hope you will join us!  

Next Sunday October 29th,  Trinity is excited to host area United Churches for the “5th Sunday” worship! Feel free to wear your Halloween finery with United Church friends from all over the city! Please plan to stay for lunch and welcome our United Church neighbours!

We would like to express our sympathies to Peggy Millar, Chris & family on the death of Peggy’s mother, Elizabeth Anne Riddell on October 13th in Barrie.  And also to Gladys Whalley and family on the death of Harry on October 15th in Mattawa. Both funerals are taking place today. 

Trinity Youth Group Hallowe’en Party – Sunday October 29th from 1 – 3 pm – All youth in grade 7 and up are invited.  You are encouraged to come in costume and to bring a shareable hallowe’en snack – feel free to get creative!  We’ll play some games, have a hallowe’en devotion and eat some spooky snacks!  Please let Marcel or Lisa know if you plan to come – as always, friends are welcome!


Mark your calendars for Saturday. November 11th from 1:00 until 3:00 in the Fellowship Hall.  Please note that there will no longer be a White Elephant table, or a used book table.  PLEASE do not bring such items to the church. Please watch the bulletin board beside the office for your opportunity to sign up to donate sandwiches or squares. The UCW greatly appreciates your help with these items.

The North Bay Community JOY Band presents

Musical Memories of the War Years – Directed by Betty Farris

Sunday, November 5th at 2 p.m. at Trinity United Church

A sing-a-long will begin at 1:40 Refreshments ~ ‘Free Will’ Offering

Proceeds to help support the Nipissing/Canadore Food Bank and the Trinity Community Food Shelf  See the attached poster for more information.

Trinity wants to raise our profile in the wider community through occasional articles to appear in “Bay Today.” These would need to be engaging stories of under 500 words that include a photo. If you want to be an occasional “Trinity Good News Ambassador,” please speak to Rev. Ted!

If there’s a Trinity member or friend who would like a call or a visit for some “Trinity TLC” from one of our pastoral visitors or staff, please inform the Trinity office. Confidentiality protections mean that we often do not know when somebody is sick or in hospital!

Hope to see you Sunday!