Trinity this week – May 9, 2021

Hello Trinity Friends,

As the lockdown continues, we continue to offer our worship services through YouTube Sunday mornings beginning at 10:30 am, on Cogeco’s Channel 12/700 a week later at 8 am and 3 pm and by request on DVD. You will also find some short messages of Hope posted on the YouTube Channel in the “Messages of Hope” playlist.

The Spring Newsletter is now available on our website under the newsletter tab. You will read about some upcoming activities to look forward to and some messages from Trinity’s staff and Board. Thanks to Ross Brewer for putting that together for us. Happy reading!

A reminder! Order your scout popcorn before May 21st from Dave McKenney, if you want to save on shipping costs. Otherwise, feel free to browse and order yours to be shipped to your doorstep! Be sure to choose “North Bay Scouting Group” when you order. More details can be found in the Spring Newsletter or by contacting Dave (contact the church office for his contact info)

Celebrating the Labyrinth: A Journey of the Spirit – Book Event is tonight! You are invited to join Gailand on Friday, May 7, from 7 – 8pm ET on ZOOM Gailand will read from his book and respond to questions. There will also be a toast, so be sure to have a glass of something at-the-ready! The Chat Box will be open so you can leave your celebratory messages for Gailand and a recording of the event will be made as a souvenir for him. Everyone is invited so please pass this message on to anyone who you think would be interested!Email the church for the zoom coordinates.