Trinity this week – May 26, 2024

Hello Trinity Friends,

This Sunday we invite you to join us for worship at 10:30 am.  Rev. Ted’s message will explore “Our Nicodemus Moment”.  In Sunday School the children will continue their Sunday Seedlings session with Karen Johnson.  

This weekend  you will be nourished in body and spirit!

Dinner and a Show – Saturday May 25th
Come out and support the Friends of Camp Caritou and enjoy a pizza pasta casserole dinner and then stay for the Mustard Seed performance of Jonah’s Druthers (the story of Jonah told and sung with a spagetti western twist).

  • Dinner is served from 4:30 – 6:30 ($15 Adults, $5 Children)
  • Jonah’s Druthers starts at 7 (Tickets $10 Adults, $5 Children)

Lunch and a Matinee – Sunday May 26th
Following worship, plan to stay for a sandwich lunch hosted by the UCW! We all know that church sandwiches are the best!  Then stay for the matinee performance of Jonah’s Druthers at 1 pm.

Save the Date for these upcoming events

Lunch and Music – Sunday June 2nd
Plan to stay after church for a fundraiser lunch hosted by the JOYFUL Bells and then Swing into S​pring with the JOY Band – Sunday June 2nd at 1:30 pm – Featuring traditional, swing, jazz, classic rock and broadway musicals.  Free will offering

Participate in milestone worship celebrations – Sunday June 9th

  • The Trinity Youth Group will host its first Youth Led Worship Service on Sunday June 9th at 10:30 am. This Intergenerational worship service will take place in the Fellowship Hall.  Communion will be served.  The youth group have been working hard to put this together. Please plan to attend!
  • The United Church of Canada kicks off its 100th Anniversary with a special 99th Anniversary service on Sunday June 9th at 4 pm.  The service takes place at Metropolitan United Church in Toronto but will be livestreamed on YouTube.  Emmanuel United Church will be hosting a viewing party – more details to come!

​We hope to see you at Trinity!