Trinity this week – Lent 2

Hello Trinity Friends, This post contains a fair bit of information – please take the time to read through it and reach out if you have any questions.

The sympathy of the staff and congregation go out to John Sheridan and Linda McLay on the death of John’s daughter, Tracy. Our heartfelt prayers and sympathies go out to John, Linda and family during this sad time.

This Sunday, we continue our online worship service, joined by friends from Emmanuel United Church.  It can be found at this link  Trinity’s YouTube Channel  This week we welcome John and Joanna Powers who will share “Mad World” for our weekly Blues Lent.
As we continue our musical journey through Lent, I wanted to invite you to view the new 2021 Blues Lenten playlist on our YouTube page. Blues Lent 2021  If you’d like to suggest any additions to this playlist, please let us know and we will be sure to add it.  It need not be traditional blues music but music that elicits an emotional response that reflects the Lenten spirit.  Secular, spiritual, vintage or current – whatever sings to your spirit!

 The Annual Report can be found below .  Should you need a printed copy, please let us know and we will arrange for you to get one.  

There are a few announcements below to share with you.

A reminder of our Zoom Zoom Social and pre-Annual Congregational Meeting practice this Sunday February 27th at 1 pm.  Some general instructions were sent out yesterday – and the link is available by request. Please contact the church to get the link.

North Bay Scouts Fundraising

Maple Syrup!
The Scouting Groups of North Bay are again selling Hubbert’s Maple Syrup. See the attached pages for ordering information. You can also call Dave McKenney at 705-474-7847 or email at to place an order. If we are back worshiping at Trinity you can also speak to me at Church.We are taking orders during the month of March for delivery in early April (as soon as the sap starts running) and another order in April for delivery in early May.

Plant a Garden! Our Scouting Group, now called “North Bay Group” is launching a new fundraising event for the spring. You can purchase groups of seeds starting at $10 and support Scouting at the same time. Go to the Scouting website listed below to see what is available. If you or a friend or family member are into gardening or would like to start, consider supporting the North Bay Scouting Group and order your seeds from Make sure to include “North Bay Group” at checkout.
If you need more information or to order syrup, contact David McKenney – you can get his contact information by calling the church.