Trinity this week – Last week before summer holidays – August 1, 2021

Hello All,
You are receiving this email a few days ahead of time as we begin to make preparations for our summer closure beginning August 2nd. Please join us this Sunday August 1 at 10:30 am (in the Sanctuary or online) for our final worship service before holidays.

Our phone lines and the main church email address will be checked periodically should an emergent pastoral care concern arise. Rev. Kathy will be providing Pastoral coverage along with our friends at St. Andrew’s United Church.

Please feel free to join our friends at St. Andrew’s United Church for worship beginning August 8th through to September 5th. We will return to worship on Sunday September 12th. If you plan to attend worship at St. Andrew’s please give them a call to reserve your spot. You may also join them for livestream worship on their YouTube Channel.

We are hopeful that when we return to Church in September that there will be some return to our regular activities. We have missed you and look forward to welcoming you back. In early September there will be a fall newsletter with current updates about what to expect. If you are part of a regular group that meets at Trinity, please be in touch with us before Friday to let us know what your anticipated plans are for September – of course we know that these plans may change based on Provincial regulations due to Covid but we’d like to begin looking ahead.

A few announcements and reminders to draw your attention to:

Job Posting We are seeking a Custodian beginning in September. An “Expression of Interest” letter is attached below. Should you wish to express interest in applying for the job, please read the attached letter and be in touch with Bob Cook, Building and Grounds Chair or the Church Office for more information and a more detailed job description. If interested, please submit your letter of application and resume attention: Chair Building and Grounds, no later than Thursday July 29 at 4pm at the church office located at 111 McIntyre Street East, North Bay Ontario.

Trinity Testosterone Men’s Canoe Trip The Trinity Testosterone trip is hopefully taking place Sept 24th-25th-26th. People can register via a call or e-mail to Rev. Ted or to the church office.

Shadman Merchandise
There are a limited amount of shirts, hats and bags available. $15 each. There are some kids sizes, some fitted (ladies) and some men’s sizes in a variety of styles. If you are interested please send us a message and we can let you know what we have.

Help Needed Trinity’s Food Shelf is in need of volunteers this fall. If you can commit to one Monday a month from 9:30 to 11 am to help with this very important ministry, please be in touch with Jim Liddell or myself. Call or email the church office for more information.