Happy Friday Trinity Friends!
This Sunday we celebrate our Children’s and Youth Ministries – saying a special thank-you to those many volunteers who keep our programs running smoothly. We will also celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. All children will be encouraged to remain in service for the entire service – as we think it is a wonderful skill for children to learn. Those of you who have younger children will have the option of going down to the nursery or for a simple supervised activity either immediately following the Children’s time – or following Communion.
Please note, that we will be having a potluck lunch after Church. Please bring your potluck items (preferably cold potluck) to the kitchen or place on table before church.
Trinity Membership Class meets for the second session this Sunday June 11th at 12:30 in the Fireside Room.
Some Announcements
AOTS Gift cards are available for purchase today! They make great teacher gifts. They are also wonderfully helpful for travelling in addition to buying groceries, gas, etc. AND they help the AOTS support of youth programs!
You have been incredibly generous with your time, talent and money this week!
* The 4 Trinity Silent Auction raised $ 2, 055 for Trinity,
* The J.O.Y. Band concert raised $1966 to be shared with Nipissing Hospice and the Trinity Infant Food Shelf
* This past Saturday a record number of riders attended the Heritage Train and Carousal Charity Day bringing a donation of $2500 to the Infant Food Shelf!
We can not thank you enough for your generosity and support!
Hope2Kenya Card Making Workshop Saturday June 17th from 9 am to 12 pm in the Fellowship Hall. $20 – for 5 greeting cards – all supplies are included. For more information or to sign up, please speak with Darlene Laferriere. (Limited to 30 participants)
See you Sunday!