Trinity this week – June 14, 2020

Hello Trinity Friends,

Attached to this message is the latest newsletter.  It contains some important information about Church re-opening.  Please read!

You will also find a letter of solidarity about the recent Black Lives Matter rallies signed by our Moderator and other church leaders

as well as an invitation for an upcoming event from MILC (Manitou Intentional Learning Community).  Que(e)rying Religion: Taking an appreciative inquiry approach to LGBTQ2+ inclusion in faith communities

This Sunday, join us for online worship with a special segment celebrating our Mustard Seed Children’s Theatre program.  The worship service will be uploaded to Youtube Saturday afternoon.  You can find it here at Trinity North Bay’s Youtube Channel

A reminder that Trinity will be closed in July for holidays.  Information on how to join our friends from St. Andrew’s for online worship will be sent out to you soon!We have a few more special worship services to share before we go on holidays.  Next Sunday look for a special Camping Sunday service with our guest, retiring Personnel Minister, Liliian Roberts.  There will be a special camping Sunday segment for Children’s Time as well. 

Psst….wanna know a secret?  Rev. Ted’s Secret Book Club
To our book-loving friends: Now you can grow spiritually, socialize virtually, AND contribute to Trinity’s roof fund. 

Rev. Ted’s “secret” book inspired him to enter the ministry and look at suffering in a new way. It’s short. It’s popular. And you can get it for free with a suggested $100 minimum donation to the Trinity Roof Fund.  
Want more? We’ll ship the book right to your door and invite you to a virtual book club party, hosted by Rev. Ted himself.
Tax receipts will be available for your donation amount over $20.
Ready to donate?  Stuff an envelope with cash or a cheque, clearly marked Rev. Ted’s Secret Book Club, and mail it or drop it off to the church. Or you can send an email transfer to with a message that says Rev Ted’s Secret Book Club and the password: inspire.
Please donate by June 20th so you can receive your book in July. You’ll have a month to lounge outside, lazily reading it. Then we’ll contact you in early August so you can pick a date for the party.
Join the club – donate today!
“See” you Sunday!