Trinity this week – July 9, 2023

Hello Trinity Friends,

Please join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 am.  You can join us in person or on YouTube. Our services are also aired on Cogeco the following Sunday.

In Sunday School the children will be continuing their summer of Seuss “Gospel According to Seuss” lessons.  We welcome friends from St. Andrew’s United Church this month.  

There are a couple of items to draw your attention to.  Please read on!

The Infant Food Shelf has a brand new Facebook page.  Please visit it and like it! Search Trinity Infant Food Shelf on Facebook and it should come up. There is a Christmas in July Fundraiser that families may be interested in.  Check out the link for more information. Christmas in July

Trinity’s VBC only has only a couple of spots available.  If you have not yet sent in your registration forms, do it soon to avoid disappointment!

There will be around 60 campers and their helpers attending VBC the week of July 24 to 28th.  That will be alot of mouths to feed!  If you are able to bake mini muffins, cookies or unfrosted cupcakes or donate fresh fruit (grapes, berries, melon) that Hello Trinity Friends,

Please join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 am.  You can join us in person or on YouTube. Our services are also aired on Cogeco the following Sunday.

In Sunday School the children will be continuing their summer of Seuss “Gospel According to Seuss” lessons.  We welcome friends from St. Andrew’s United Church this month.  

There are a couple of items to draw your attention to.  Please read on!

The Infant Food Shelf has a brand new Facebook page.  Please visit it and like it! Search Trinity Infant Food Shelf on Facebook and it should come up. There is a Christmas in July Fundraiser that families may be interested in.  Check out the link for more information. Christmas in July

Trinity’s VBC only has only a couple of spots available.  If you have not yet sent in your registration forms, do it soon to avoid disappointment!

There will be around 60 campers and their helpers attending VBC the week of July 24 to 28th.  That will be alot of mouths to feed!  If you are able to bake mini muffins, cookies or unfrosted cupcakes or donate fresh fruit (grapes, berries, melon) that would be appreciated!  Volunteers in the kitchen are also welcome – you will have a chance to see the camp in action and meet some wonderful young people! Please speak with Janice Brownlee or Jean Mitchell for more information or offer your donation of food.  Thank you!

Most of the photo packages have arrived (there are a few missing).  If you ordered photos you can pick them up on Sunday after church or Monday to Thursday between 9 – 12.  It appears that those of you who ordered Mahogany photo frames have been delayed due to a supply issue.  Those frames are arriving soon.  Feel free to contact the office to confirm your photos have arrived before coming down if you wish.  All NON Framed photos have arrived – this only applies to some of the framed photos. 

Trinity Summer Closure

Trinity will be closed in August this summer. Our last Sunday service is on Sunday July  23rd. (July 30th we worship with our local United Church friends at Carmichael). Our last Office day is Friday July 28th. While we are closed, we are looking for people who would be willing to check in on the building. The task takes about 30 minutes a day and is required under our insurance policy.  If you’d be willing to check in on our building a few days in August, please speak with Bob Cook or look for the sign up sheet.

Trinity’s Fall Newsletter

As Trinity will be closed in August, we wanted to get this date out to you now.  Submissions to the fall newsletter are due to Ross by August 26th

Fifth Sunday Combined Worship for Area United Churches at Carmichael United Church

Sunday July 30th, 2023 10:30 AM  Outdoor Service (Indoors if raining)

Located at 521 Four Mile Lake Road


  • Please dress for the weather; and wear footwear suitable for gravel driveway and lawn areas.
  • Bring a lawn chair if possible.
  • There will be a choir anthem for interested singers.  Please – no choir gowns (you can wear your gown colors if you like e.g. Tshirt)
  • Picnic lunch to follow – hot dogs ~ desserts ~ beverages (alternative veggie dogs option available)
  • Area churches will have individual boxes in which to leave their offerings

Looking forward to sharing worship and fellowship with you!  Sydney Ouellette, Carmichael UC Church Secretary and

Brenda McLay, Regional Rep