Trinity this week – Hallowe’en Sunday October 27, 2017

Hello Trinity Friends,

This Sunday in anticipation of Hallowe’en, all are invited to come dressed in costume. The Children’s Choir will be sharing a song  and we are told that there will be a very special visitor joining us on Sunday!

Upcoming Events and Activities

This Saturday October 28th, the Rapport Singers will be presenting the first in their “Elemental” concert series.  Come on out for an exciting evening celebrating “Fire” This Saturday, in Trinity’s Sanctuary at 7:30 pm.  Tickets are $15 Adults and $10 Students

Trinity Photo Directory is coming along – so far over 75 sittings have been completed!  If you have not had your photo taken yet, please see Karen and Wes in the nursery to have yours taken.  8 x 10 photos will be available for purchase this Sunday for those who have already have.  Framed photos are also available and can be shipped anywhere!  All funds raised will go towards Trinity’s General Fund. There will be an evening photo session on Tuesday November 28th. 

Trinity United Church U.C.W.

A Victorian Christmas

Tea & Bazaar

Saturday November 11th

1:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Sewing & Baking, White Elephant Table, Children’s Table, Baking, Crafts and more!

The North Bay Community J.O.Y. Band Presents

Musical Memories of the War Years

Directed by Betty Farris & Neil Kennedy

Sunday, November 12th at 2 p.m.

‘Sing-a-Long’ ~ 1:30 p.m.

Refreshments ~‘Free Will’ Offering

Proceeds to support the North Bay Crisis Centre


Cookie Walk

Saturday November 25th

11 am – 2 pm

(or until they are gone)

Delicious holiday treats sold by the container.

Come early for the best selection.

100% of the proceeds will be used for Trinity’s maintenance and general expenses.  Cash only.

****We are looking for bakers! If you are able to help out with baking please speak with Barb Roberts.  If you have extra cookie tins, please drop off in the labeled box on the stage in the Fellowship Hall****

See you this weekend!