Hello Trinity Friends,
On this chilly February day, a reminder that this Sunday we worship at 10:30 am. While some folk will be worshipping and gathering at the Spirit Point Family weekend retreat, worship at Trinity will be led by our Minister Emerita Rev. Kathy McCallum. In Sunday School the children will be working on a new billboard and will talk about ways to “Walk as a Child of Light”
Notice of Annual Congregational Meeting (ACM)
On Sunday, February 23, 2020 members and adherents of Trinity United Church will gather as faithful Christians for our ACM. The agenda includes remembrance of deceased members, a financial review and our Annual Report for 2019, the budget and election of the Board and Trustees for 2020, and an update on our conversations with our area’s other United Churches. Our 2019 Annual Report is available for your review prior to our ACM. Please join us for lunch immediately following our worship service and then stay for our Annual Congregational Meeting, which will start at 12:15pm.
** The Annual Report is now ready. It can be found under the newsletter tab. Paper copies will be available for the meeting, along with the rest of the financials not included here.
Some upcoming worship services and events to draw your attention to:
Help Needed
** Ushers are needed – details and a sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall – please consider volunteering!
** Coffee House kitchen help is needed – if you are willing to help out in the kitchen on Friday February 21st please speak with Brad Stenning or Sue Miller. – You can also help us out by contributing a dessert! The sign up sheet is on the easel in the Fellowship Hall.
Next Sunday February 23rd we celebrate the Scouting and Guiding legacies during our Baden-Powell Sunday. All uniforms are encouraged! Sunday School will be led by members of the Guiding program for younger children – older children are encouraged to remain upstairs for the service. Following the service there will be lunch, followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, hosted by the AOTS takes place on Tuesday February 25th from 5 pm to 6:30 pm. Come out and enjoy some delicious pancakes, sausages, accompanied by real maple syrup, coffee, tea and juice! $10 per person $5 for children 12 and under (5 and under are free) $25 Family price.
Sunday March 1st – Lenten Communion Service, 10:30 am