Hello Trinity Friends,
We just said farewell to the VBC Campers and their helpers a short while ago. We had a terrific week! Thank you to the Trinity community who helped out in the kitchen, baked cookies, cupcakes or muffins, donated food and made financial donations. Thank you to all the leaders too – many of which were former campers themselves! Thank you to Sir Percival C H
oward and Nipissing Jones (who made a surprise appearance and finally, thanks to Marcel MacDonald, Abigail Sanders and Andrew Whitehead who helped me prepare and deliver the World of Wonders Vacation Bible Camp! You will have a chance to see some of the highlights from VBC in a few weeks time.
This Sunday, we hope you will join us for worship at 10:30 am. We welcome friends from St. Andrew’s, Omond and Emmanuel United Churches who join us while their staff are on holidays in August. We welcome other visitors too.
In Sunday School we will be having a Veggie Tales Extravaganza. Children and youth are encouraged to dress up as their favourite veggie tales character – or the colour of their fav fruit or vegetable! Let’s have some fun!
A reminder that Saturday August 17th (tomorrow) you are invited to celebrate Don Rideout’s 90th birthday at Marina Point (tenant’s entrance) from 12 -3.
The 11th Annual Dave Robinson Memorial Golf Tournament – also known as the North Bay and Area United Church Golf Challenge is taking place on Thursday August 29th. All are welcome to participate. See the attached poster for more information or you can click on the link below to register!
See you at Trinity!