Hello Trinity Friends,
This Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent. We celebrate the season with a communion service. We will also be receiving new members. Advent bottles will be distributed today. Throughout the season of Advent, we invite you to consider putting in some money in support of Sleeping Children Around the World and Packsac Smiles. We are grateful to the generosity of this congregation!
A reminder that this Sunday following the worship service, there is an advent youth bible study. Finding Bethlehem in the midst of Bedlam. All youth in grade 7 and up are welcome.
TODAY! Looking for a reason to go out for lunch or dinner? Why not go over to Shoeless Joe’s to support Hope2Kenya! From 11 am to closing Shoeless Joe’s will donate 10% of the proceeds to Hope2Kenya.
TONIGHT! If you like games (board games, strategy games, etc.) come on out to Trinity tonight (and any Friday night) at 6:30 pm. Enter through the McIntyre street entrance. All are welcome! Ring the bell if the door is locked please.
Please note the following important correction
The time for the Choir Cantata has appeared incorrectly in a few places. The correct time is Sunday December 17th at 1:30 pm! The poster is up on the bulletin board outside Wanda’s office and will be in next week’s bulletin. Sorry about any confusion. Our Sunday worship that day will include the Sunday School Christmas pageant followed by a UCW sponsored lunch.
Next Sunday December 10th is White Gift Sunday. Items and money will be collected for the Food Shelf programs as well as the Christmas Bag Outreach. The Sunday school will collect the offerings during church. Some items to consider: Non-perishable food items, diapers, toothpaste, toothbrushes, socks, playing cards, etc. Cash to buy needed items is also appreciated. The youth pack over 150 bags for teens and adults in need each year. Thanks for supporting this outreach project!
The UCW will be gathering for a Christmas lunch at Cecils on Monday December 11th at 11:30 am. All women are welcome! Everyone is responsible for purchasing their own lunch. Come on out and enjoy a Christmas program of stories and poems. RSVP to Judy (call the church for her contact info)
There are many upcoming events and special worship services. Take a look at our website or like us on facebook to keep up to date. www.trinitynorthbay.ca
Happy December!