Hello Trinity FriendsThis Sunday is the third Sunday in Advent – we light the candle of JOY with the Davis Family. A Christmas Carol sing-a-long will begin around 10:15 am, followed by the Advent Worship Service at 10:30 am. For those who are unable to attend in person, you will be able to watch on YouTube here Trinity’s YouTube Channel anytime or on Cogeco’s YourTV Channel 12/700HD the following Sunday morning at 8 am and 9 pm.
For those planning on attending in person worship, we are always happy to see you! In order to attend worship services, proof of vaccination must be shown for anyone over 12 years of age. Please try to have this ready at the door so we can get you inside quickly (now that the weather is getting cooler). Our doors will open at 9:45. With implementing a Vaccine policy, we are now able to increase our capacity to accommodate more people. We are extremely sorry that last week we had to turn people away because we were at capacity! We anticipate that with our increased capacity limits that this should not be a problem.
Below you will find a few announcements and some upcoming special worship service dates. See you Sunday!
AOTS Christmas Pudding If you have not picked yours up, be sure to do so on Sunday. There are only a few left. This fundraiser will help to support youth across our region. They are $20 each.
A reminder that there are some Christmas books in the library available to borrow. Come on down and see the beautiful new Fireside room and borrow a book! Thank you to Judi Rose who is now our librarian – and thank you to Sharen Liddell for the many years that she volunteered in our library. We are lucky to have such a great selection of books thanks to her!
Trinity Sound Crew We are looking for people who are interested in learning how to set up sound equipment and run the sound board some Sunday mornings. If you are interested in learning how to do this and have a good ear for music, please speak with Marcel MacDonald or Lisa Blais
Upcoming Worship ServicesTuesday December 21st, 7 pm. – Longest Night Service (in person or virtual via YouTube)Friday December 24th, 7 pm – Christmas Eve Service
Sunday December 26th, 10:30 am – Boxing Day – relaxed service of carols and stories
We have compiled a Trinity Christmas Special that will be aired on Cogeco’s YourTV on Christmas Eve at 8:30pm and Christmas Day at 12 & 9pmThis service includes special music, some features from last year’s Christmas Eve service (including the virtual pageant and Rev. Ted’s Christmas eve message) and more.
Wishing you the joys of the season,