Hello Trinity Friends!
It is hard to believe we are just over a week away from Christmas! It has been a busy week at Trinity. The UCW were in packing the cheer plates, Trinity youth packed about 175 Christmas bags for those who may not otherwise get a Christmas gift, last weekend there were two Children’s Christmas performances and this week, the choir and instrumentalists have been busy getting ready for this Sunday’s Cantata!
Please join us this Sunday for a very special musical worship service. I Hear the Prophet Callin’ will be presented during worship by the Trinity choir, accompanied by several instrumentalists. You will not want to miss this! Children 5 and older are highly encouraged to remain in service this Sunday to enjoy this lovely service. Our services are livestreamed to our YouTube channel Trinity’s Worship Services and available on Cogeco’s YourTV the week after as well.
As we journey through the week of Christmas, there are a couple of special worship opportunities to share with you.
This Wednesday December 21st at 7 pm, we invite you to join with members from Trinity and St. Andrew’s United Church on the Longest Night as we take prayerful pause to honour the profound and often mixed feelings we carry with us during this time. The Longest Night Service is a contemplative and candle lit service accompanied by the peaceful musical offerings of Samantha Depatie and Ariel Hyatt. All are welcome!
Christmas Eve Services – Saturday December 24th. Our Christmas Eve service begins at 7 pm. Following the 7 pm service, folk who wish to, are invited to a brief Communion Service which will take place at around 8:20 pm.
Christmas Day Service – Sunday December 25th, 10:30 am. It is rare for Christmas Day to fall on a Sunday, but when it does, Trinity is always happy to host a light hearted and joy filled Christmas Day service. You are invited to come as you are (pj’s welcome) as we celebrate Christmas with an interactive story, followed by cake (it is Jesus’ birthday afterall).
Gratitudes Thank you to the Dreamcoat Family for sharing their delightful Christmas musical and for inviting donations to Trinity’s Food Shelf Ministry! We were overwhelmed by the generosity in filling our Food Shelf Cupboard and for the cash donation of $320! Thank you Dreamcoat!
Thank you to those who donated items and money to Trinity’s Christmas Bag Outreach! We packed about 175 bags that will be picked up or delivered on Monday! We are grateful to Renee’s Dance Connection who also collected items for our Gift Bags.
We are grateful to the congregation and the wider community who support our Outreach ministries and Trinity Church all year round, which allows us an opportunity to provide needed support to our community. A heartfelt and hearty THANK YOU!
OFFICE HOURS DURING THE HOLIDAY Please note that Trinity will be closed on December 26th through to January 2nd 2023. We re-open on Tuesday January 3rd. The answering machine and email will be checked periodically.
See you Sunday!