Trinity this week

Hello Trinity Friends!

Join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 am.  The Junior Choir will be sharing a song during worship. Rev. Ted’s sermon is titled “Easter Chickens” and in Sunday School the children are beginning a rotation on the story of the Loaves and Fish!
A reminder to all those who have annual report submissions that the deadline is this Sunday.  Please email them to Ross – contact info available from the church office.
There are a few upcoming events that we would like to draw your attention to.
 Snowshoe Sunday – February 4th at 1:15 at the Wasi Cross Country Ski Club.  $8 adults $3 (under 12).  Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall or speak with Barb Roberts – ALL ARE WELCOME!
*  “Truly and Humbly” memories of the first apology movie and discussion.  Wednesday February 7th 9:30 am – 12 pm at Trinity’s Fireside Room
*  Family Curling – Sunday February 11th 3 – 6 pm.  $15 per person – includes lunch.  Sign up in the Fellowship Hall.  For more information speak with Moe Laporte or Lisa Blais
 Trinity Family Retreat – Registration deadline is Sunday February 4th to secure your spot!
*  Coldest Night Walk with the Subzero Superheroes.  To join or to donate to the team click on this link