Rally Back Sunday – September 11, 2022

Hello Trinity Friends,
Please join us this Sunday September 11th as we Rally Back to a new season of Worship and Sunday School.  All are welcome!  Please remember the church family picnic at Camp Tillicum in the afternoon, as well. More about that below.  For those who are not able to attend in person, our worship services continue to be livestreamed to our YouTube Channel here Trinity’s worship services

I am sure you have all heard of the death of Queen Elizabeth II yesterday. A statement and prayers from The United Church of Canada can be found here https://united-church.ca/news/death-her-majesty-queen-elizabeth-ii We also join our prayers with those grieving the tragic deaths at James Smith Cree Nation this past week.  In the words of Moderator Carmen: “May God have mercy. In our grief, may we be blessed with God’s peace that surpasses our human understanding.  Amen.”

Some announcements are below.  Please read!

Apple Pie Project Spice Bags will be assembled. September 12 beginning at 9 am. We will need help this Sunday to set up the Fellowship Hall, bring up boxes and bins from the basement and set up the tables. If you are able to help with either of these tasks, please remain after church on Sunday and let Darlene Laferriere know.

Rally Back Picnic at Camp Tillicum – Sunday September 11
Please join us today at 3 pm on the shores of Lake Nipissing for our Church Family Picnic.  Please bring a lawn chair, utensils, plate, cup, and your potluck appetizer or salad item.  Sandwich items (meat, cheese, buns, etc.) and icecream bars will be supplied. We will eat outside (weather permitting) – so please bring a sturdy plate!  If it is warm, there is a beautiful beach – bring a bathing suit if you’d like to swim. The day will include all ages games and will conclude with an evening vespers service. All are welcome – feel free to bring a friend  Directions to Camp Tillicum will be provided if needed.  Hope to see you there!

The UCW will meet on Monday, September 12th at 1:00pm in the Fireside Room.

The Infant Food Shelf is in need of volunteers for this very important ministry of the church.  The commitment is approximately on Wednesday a month from 10 am to noon.  The Infant Food Shelf provides gift cards and supplies to ensure that infants under 1 have a healthy start.   If you are able to help out please contact Linda McLay or Lisa Blais

GRIN REAPING– a new book of short stories by Rod Carley Sunday September 18th – Lunch after service followed by Rod Carley reading from his new short story collection. He’ll also be answering questions and signing copies of his book.  A sign-up sheet is available in the Fellowship Hall.

Women’s Wellness Weekend @Cairn
Ladies: you are cordially invited to join us at Cairn Camp’s Women’s Wellness Weekend! Leave your apron and Coleman stove at home, and be sure to bring a friend! We have quite a few already registered so don’t miss out on the most beautiful time of year in the Muskoka’s.
“Get away from the busyness of everyday life and spend a weekend dedicated to your physical, spiritual and mental wellness within a community of women, immersed in the beauty of the Muskoka’s. This weekend will feature a blend of session options, from high ropes and zip line, to yoga and mindfulness meditation, to crafting and canoeing, or even booking a massage…”
For more details and to register online, please go to: http://www.ilovecamp.org/womens-wellness-weekend.cfm
See Amanda Silk or Karen Johnson for more information!