Rally Back at Trinity

Hello Trinity Friends,

This Sunday we are celebrating Rally Back Sunday!  This is the special Sunday where we officially kick off the start of the new season and celebrate the return to our regular fall routines!  During the worship service we will be covenanting with the Sunday School leaders and volunteers.  There may also be a couple of special surprises!
In the afternoon everyone is invited to Trinity’s Annual Church Picnic on the shores of Lake Nipissing at Camp Tillicum!  It is a wonderful way to spend the day with Trinity friends and family.  There are fun games, great food and company and a wonderful lakeside Vespers service to round out the day! Bring a salad or appetizer, plate and fork, bathing suit and lawn chair.  Sandwich meat and buns, refreshments and dessert will be supplied!  Everyone is welcome! Click here for more information and for directions –>Rally Back Picnic and Directions
A flyer about the upcoming Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Ventures registration happening this Tuesday can be found here –Scout poster 
If you haven’t already done so please pick up your Fall newsletter or ask us to email you a copy.  Rob Brownlee does a wonderful job putting this together for us – Thank-you Rob!