Lenten Newsletter

Hello Trinity Friends,

The Lenten Newsletter can be found here —-> Lent 2016 (1) A reminder that the Annual Report submissions are due this weekend to Rob Brownlee.  Contact the church office to obtain his email address.
A reminder also that tomorrow (Tuesday February 9th) is Shrove Tuesday – or as we like to call it – Pancake Tuesday!  The AOTS invites you to come on out and for some pancakes, sausages and coffee or tea served from 5 – 6:30 pm. $8 Adults, $4 under 12 or $20 per family.
As we prepare to enter into the season of Lent, some of you may be asking – what is Lent all about anyways?  
Lent is the 40 day period of time before Easter – excluding Sundays – because Sunday is often considered like a little Easter – Lent always begins on Ash Wednesday, the seventh Wednesday before Easter. (Ash Wednesday this year is February 10th)

The last day before Lent (referred to as Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday Carnival, or Fasching) is sometimes celebrates as a last fling before the more solemn time of Lent. For many it was customary to abstain from meat, which is why some people call the festival Carnival – which can be translated from Latin to “farewell to meat”. Pancake suppers were held to use up all the milk, fats and eggs before beginning a period of fasting. 

Many people take the period of Lent to reflect and renew their relationship with God.  Some people choose to give something up or take something on. 
Looking for something to try for Lent?  Here are a few ideas:

* An electronic fast. Give up TV, Facebook, texting, tweeting, e-mail and all things electronic for one day every week. 

* Delve deeper into the Bible. Join a bible study or plan to do a self-guided study of the bible.

*  Try a daily practice of silence. Spend 30 minutes a day in silence and prayer. Read a daily devotional – You can borrow one from our library or find many online.  St. Andrew’s United Church has produced a wonderful Lenten resource which should be on the table in the narthex this week.

* Cultivate a life of Gratitude and Generosity:  Write thank-you cards or lists of things that you are grateful for each day – Give more love, time, or money to places in our community that need it. 

* Try a carbon fast:   Eat and live more simply, pray for the earth, walk or take public transit, pack litterless lunches. (resources can be found online.)

And of course, do plan to join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:30 as we journey through Lent.  This year, as has been our practice in recent years, we are joined by local musicians who will enrich our worship services with secular songs that touch on the theme of “journey”.

Peace be with you,