Trinity this week – Sunday April 25, 2020

Hello Trinity Friends,
The link for this Sunday’s worship is included here. There is also a supplementary Earth Day video posted on the Youtube channel – thank-you to the many people who submitted art and photography for that.  
A few announcements are listed below.  See you Sunday online!

“Dial for Hope” Telephone Ministry

Connect to Trinity, even without an internet connection! Call us at (249) 506-0377 and enjoy a 2 minute, uplifting message from one of our Trinity leaders. Who will it be ​today? Call to find out! (Toll-free for North Bay area.)
Want even more​ but don’t have a computer​? Leave a message at the church office to arrange a DVD delivery of our online church services.

For the next while, every couple of days you will be able to hear a new encouraging message from a different Trinity leader at this local toll-free phone number: (249) 506-0377.  Please share the “Dial for Hope” number with any friends who might crave a hopeful word!

AOTS Gift Card program  It is with pleasure that I can tell you that the AOTS Gift Card program is still in operation through these trying times.  I will be submitting an order on Sunday May 3.
Should you wish to place an order, complete your list of cards needed, write the appropriate cheque and deliver it to my home (241 Lake Heights Road) and place it in the mail box any time between now and 4:00 PM Sunday, 3rd May.    Remember, make your cheque payable to “Trinity United Church AOTS” .  (The latest bank requirement)
If you have any questions just call Ed – you can get his number by calling the church office and leaving a message (705)474-3310 Please note the AOTS Gard program has Orchards Fresh Foods cards available for your convenience. Denomination of $25.00.