Welcome back to Trinity


We hope that you have had a wonderful summer (despite the weather) and are excited to return to Trinity!  The staff will be back in the office on Wednesday September 6th preparing for our Rally Back Sunday.

We will kick off our fall season with a Rally Back service (covenanting with our Sunday School leaders) on Sunday September 10th at 10:30 am.  In the afternoon all are invited to our annual Rally Back Picnic at Camp Tillicum at 3 pm.  We will have a chance to play some games, socialize, (swim if weather permits) share a potluck meal and conclude with a beautiful lakeside vespers service.  Please bring a lawn chair, a potluck appetizer or salad to share, and a plate and cutlery.

Please note that the Church has a NEW GENERAL EMAIL address.  You can now email us at trinitynorthbay@gmail.com

Hope to see you this Sunday!