Hello Trinity Friends,
This Sunday October 2nd, is World Wide Communion Sunday. We join with our Christian family around the world in sharing the sacrament of Holy Communion. At Trinity, we have an open table – that means that all people, regardless of age, status, etc. are invited to share in the bread and juice. Communion will be served early in the service, while the Sunday School is present. Come early (10:15 am) and join in the Hymn Sing!
Next Sunday we celebrate Thanksgiving and Baptism Sunday. The Sunday School will be collecting gifts of money and non-perishable food will be collected for Trinity’s Food Shelf. Thanksgiving Envelopes will be available from the ushers.
Apple Pies
This weekend the apples will be picked and we will move into full apple pie mode. We are looking for some help setting up tables, washing apples and bringing supplies up from the basement after church this Sunday. If you can stay a little while after church to help that would be greatly appreciated!
Also, apple peelers, and pie assemblers are needed this week. A sign up list is in the Fellowship Hall. Those helping on Monday will need to bring a lunch but lunch will be provided Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. There is also an evening shift on Tuesday. Come and join in the fellowship and fun!
Help Needed!
The Trinity Board (specifically the Communications Committee) is looking for your help! The job of that committee is to compile and distribute our newsletters and annual reports, facilitating communication throughout the congregation. Please talk to a member of the Trinity staff for more details!
Upcoming Events
The Gathering Place is having an Art Sale & Open House.
Saturday October 1st 10 am.
All of the art for sale has been created by our neighbours and volunteers, and donated for sale. All proceeds stay at the Gathering Place.
Sales are first come, first serve.
Come check out some great art by local people!
Saturday October 1st 10 am.
All of the art for sale has been created by our neighbours and volunteers, and donated for sale. All proceeds stay at the Gathering Place.
Sales are first come, first serve.
Come check out some great art by local people!
Sisters in Spirit Vigil for murdered and missing Aboriginal women and girls
Tuesday, October 4, 10am – 1pm, North Bay Indian Friendship Centre,
980 Cassells Street, North Bay
All are welcome to join in this vigil to remember murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls. A simple chili and bannock lunch will be offered.
If you are unable to attend, please hold this gathering, and of course, all murdered and missing indigenous women and girls, in your prayers.